
Roar! The night at Zouk Club KL!

I knew I'm exhausted after some work but still then I went to KL club which most of the clubbers did recommend as 'the best club ever in KL'.
For more details, c.lick it- http://www.zoukclub.com.my/

I doubt that but then...
Whoot! Don't care what the heck is going on, I just need some booze & parrrrrrty babe!!!
It was fun there although it's my first time been there, @ club - phuture & velvet.
Somehow, it really opened my eyes.
We then on to Phuture & Velvet have some dance and booze.

Boys & Girls,
Honestly, I like the music they've played & like to shake my body like nobody business.
You got my attention there, You do attract me on that moment. smooches*

Too bad, the price of liquor is pretty expensive and the crowded people makes you feel differences.

Zouk club is the one of the oldest and most popular nightclub in KL.
It has won the Singapore Tourism Board's "Best Nightspot Experience" award 6 times, between 1996 to 2007.
It ranked number 10 on DJ Magazine's list of Top 100 clubs in the world in 2006, 2007 and 2010.
The ambience of the club was not that bad, different people different perspective.
You should have a look seriously. <3

The below show the map of @zouk club, KL.

As consequences, I don't have enough sleep as I have to work on this early morning.
I'm too free therefore update my blog and waiting to back home & take my beauty SWEET nap!
Tick tock. tick tock.
Time passed so slow, feel doze off now.

Anyways, stay tuned!

Love music & dance,

Traffic light of LOVE

What would you do when your inspiration pop up?

Let's see what I did...

I brought M&M that day, one of my chocolate favor.

I took one piece of paper and draw it as what I wish to expressed it out.

Most of the love story do occured in such complicated relationship, as the below pic showed the traffic light of LOVE, which it could be indicates as human.

When human in love, what could it be happen?

He love her, but she love another of HIM.
She love him, but he love another of HER.

HE love HER & SHE love HIM.
(best ending ever, ain't?)

What would you like to expect for the ending?

He love her in first sight, he paid out everything he could.
He might not a rich guy, but he used to be what he could be.
He cares about her, love her but who knows?
Back to realistics.

'I hate this feeling,
It's one I know all to well,
It's a thing called heartbreak
and it hurts like hell...'

He was hurt, heart-broken.


It could be like this.
He flirt with her, she like him when their feeling get closer.
She thought about him all the time, she cares about him,
She love him and in the end she realized that...

What hurts the most?
'It's when I tried so hard and it got me nowhere. '

She was hurt and she hide herself and drop her tears repeatedly.

There're much more mean for LOVE.











Just word



Opposites attract therefore they wish to get attention of each other.

In the end,
Love doesn't mean to death.

Just they're trying hard to meet another new love for their life once again.

Love with happy ending is the best ever.

Everyone wish too, ain't?

Man : Marry me? Lady : Yes, I do!


I'm a girl who love everything.

I love them therefore I choose forgiveness.


When the last teardrop falls
I will stand tall
And hold onto the memories
Of how you used to be

When someone really loves you,
they will never hurt you.
And if they do,
you can see it in their eyes
that it hurts them too...

We take a risk
when we open our hearts
because the truth is,
if we open our hearts,
we will get hurt.
You can’t open your heart
and not have some hurt
because you’re in a
human experience.
Even if it’s the love of your life
and you have many wonderful,
deepening, growing,
powerful years together,
it’s a human experience
and that person will pass over.

Love takes courage.
Be courageous.