It's Puppy! We named it as INKY.

My sister brought a little puppy to my home.
I've no idea what species it is?
(Shih Tzu Dog mixed?)

Whatever, It's a girl puppy with black color hair, eyebrow in light brown.
She's just 1 month big, puppy look of course.
We decided to nurture it, try our best to be with it.
Our new family member, a cutie doggies :)

Yea, we decided named it as INKY (since black color ink it is.)
I recall last time I used to be afraid of dogs and now as well, I guess I like puppy more than a big fierce dog.
Anyways, I need some time to communicate with little puppy.

It's been a long time that I doesn't take train after back to Malaysia.
Today I took train to KL due to I got a part time job, online game promoter (rappel z, high street 5). 
Venue- Taylor university (new campus), it's awesome building, quite jealous of them who being a student right now.

I realized father and friends was scolding me that why I choose to work for this lousy part time?
I should get into my permanent job and not to have this kind of joke.
It’s my life & I’ll live it how I want. please.

Interview day。

In the early morning, I had to woke up for my first interview.
It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview, I hope that I can make a good performance today.

Who knows I doesn't satisfied myself, but they've offered me as Logistics Executive, I don't have any experience with it and I told them I need a consideration before I start for it.
Guess I'm the one who're lazy and playful right now.
Gosh, I shouldn't be like that as daddy has advice and warn me to work late by NOVEMBER!?
Was it too early or too fast for me?
Alright, I admit that I'm not prepare and kind of afraid to work as permanent more than temporary, but I shouldn't make any complain right now.

Yet, is time for me to work in this field seriously, and what I did search from net, the meaning of LOGISTICS COORDINATOR.
Coordinates inventory of stock and insures product adjustments are properly applied. Receives, sorts, logs, and distributes all incoming shipments. Identifies, locates, obtains and arranges for shipment of requested replacement parts. Arranges warehousing and transportation of products to customers. May investigate and respond to inquires regarding distribution and shipping.
One important responsibility of a logistics coordinator is the ability to fully understand all the facets, or steps, necessary to complete an assigned task. He or she is often expected to communicate between buyers and suppliers, and propose solutions to any possible problems. In order to do a thorough job, a logistics coordinator must often have excellent data management and communication skills, be able to analyze reports and to explain the logistics of the project.
The duties of a logistics coordinator can be various and sometimes depend on the company he or she is working for. These responsibilities can include manual tasks, such as assembling, addressing, stamping and arranging for the shipment of merchandise and materials. In handling incoming shipments, he or she may have to unpack boxes and verify contents. A logistic coordinator is often required to keep precise records of all commodities going in and out of a company.

Feel quite tough after reading that, this kind of job need a high sense of responsibility, but I've no idea because never been touch of those thing.
And I'm sure that I'm not used to it for the first 1-3 months, god pray me hardly that I can did well afterward.
Well, I might consider to start the job in December so...

I would like to tell you that pursuing the major is one of my lifelong goal, I like LOGISTICS and I hope that I won't give up. (while took as job in the same time I took as interest!)
If I can pursue my dream here, I will combine practice with my former education.
I will work hard in these fields as well. (can I promise that!?)
Besides, I cannot describe my character well, but I know I am the person who're helpfulness, caring, cheerfulness, friendliness, mature, and kind of optimistic.

Lastly, ask me GOD BLESS ME!!!

Cheryl Cole - Parachute

Song time, Parachute- Cheryl Cole
The man who dancer looks like Leonardo DiCaprio (Titanic). LOL
I love the dress, dance moves, lyrics, it's awesome.

I don't tell anyone about the way you hold my hand
I don't tell anyone about the things that we have planned
I won't tell anybody
Won't tell anybody
They want to push me down
They want to see you fall (Down)

Won't tell anybody how you turn my world around
I won't tell anyone how your voice is my favorite sound
I won't tell anybody
Won't tell anybody
They want to see us fall
They want to see us fall

I don't need a parachute
Baby, if I've got you
Baby, if I've got you
I don't need a parachute
You're gonna catch me
You're gonna catch if I fall
Down, down, down

I don't need a parachute
Baby, if I've got you
Baby, if I've got you
I don't need a parachute
You're gonna catch me
You're gonna catch if I fall
Down, down, down

Don't believe the things you tell yourself so late night and
You are your own worst enemy
You'll never win the fight
Just hold on to me
I'll hold on to you
It's you and me up against the world
It's you and me....(Love)

I don't need a parachute
Baby, if I've got you
Baby, if I've got you
I don't need a parachute
You're gonna catch me
You're gonna catch if I fall
Down, down, down

I don't need a parachute
Baby, if I've got you
Baby, if I've got you
I don't need a parachute
You're gonna catch me
You're gonna catch if I fall
Down, down, down

I won't fall out of love
I won't fall out of,
I won't fall out of love
I won't fall out of,
I won't fall out of love
I won't fall out of,
I won't fall out of love
I'll fall into you

I won't fall out of love
I won't fall out of,
I won't fall out of love
I won't fall out of,
I won't fall out of love
I won't fall out of,
I won't fall out of love
I'll fall into you

I don't need a parachute
Baby, if I've got you
Baby, if I've got you
I don't need a parachute
You're gonna catch me
You're gonna catch if I fall
Down, down, down

I don't need a parachute
Baby, if I've got you
Baby, if I've got you
I don't need a parachute
You're gonna catch me
You're gonna catch if I fall
Down, down, down




为欢庆八度空间的7岁生日,首次突破以往八度空间自制电视偶像剧一周一集的形式,预计2011年1月份,每逢星期一至五,晚上8点30分的黄金时段,全马 电视首播重头台庆剧《追影•筑梦》,势必引领您穿梭时空回到从前,重温旧梦。主要演员包括:大马人气歌手Henley许亮宇、回流大马发展的新晋演员 Lawrence王冠逸、童冰玉、实力派演员杨雁雁、Belinda徐慧华、黎明、Gary叶俊岑、林一心、Kay郭小溦、梁祖仪、释福如、洪国锐、傅志 坚和黎艳琼等人。


《追影•筑梦》以从前的国泰及邵氏机构为蓝本而编,故事主要是叙述发生在让人憧憬、充满传奇色彩的娱乐圈里,南国电影机构被开辟的事迹。而剧中两大电影大 亨家族,即国泰创办人陆运涛和邵氏创办人邵逸夫为模拟人物,准备把全马人民所认识并在华巫娱乐界叱咤风云的头号人物重现屏幕。除了有演员的精湛演艺,剧中 也不时融入歌艺和舞蹈,讲究达到歌、舞、戏三者穿插,尽让五六七十年代歌影的经典片段一一呈现观众眼前,而《追影•筑梦》的剧组也将预计会在吉隆坡和槟城 一些充满古色韵味的地方取景。

另外,八度空间也会全面搜寻50到70年代的珍藏品,务必将旧时代的人事物全部呈现在您的眼前,激起您内心最深处的的珍藏回忆。50年代的黑胶唱片?60 年代的明星日历?又或者50到70年代的相机、收音机、烫斗、日常用品用具等等?所有印证生命历程的怀旧珍物,八度空间欢迎您于截止日期8月31日前,把 珍藏品的照片上载至『A Time To Embrace』 Facebook与大众分享,一齐来响应怀旧热风,重拾昔日情怀,而获得最多回响的收藏品,将可在八度空间亮相,也将获得现金300令吉的奖励!



*今天,他们的剧组刚好来到巴生的海南会馆取景(印度街),而刚好需要人数,所以我和我的小妹去当了一天的临时演员,而然我发觉拍戏真的很不简单,也明白了 ‘台上十分钟,台下十年功’ 的意义。
我想我NG了 4-5 次吧,我也真的很不好意思,毕竟是我人生中第一次拍中文戏剧,偶然也明白一个演员不是那么容易当,因为你必须带入你的情感去演戏。
当然这是个好玩的经验,而我很期待自己在那剧集里面有多搞笑,因为导演的要求我们试镜者都必须打扮成 50-70 年代的人物。


我和妹妹的 50-70 年代装,真的丑爆了吧?


Think Calmly

After back from UK study, it's time for myself to sit down and think calmly of the plan which I am going to implement..

It need time.
It need plan.
It need action.

Think calmly. Act calmly

13.Oct for her, Happy Birthday!

Another birthday wishes for her, my dearest youngest sister. 
Pally Tan
Girl, I hope you'd like the birthday present that I had given, I knew you like Winne pooh very much, I wonder why? 
Because it was warm to hug.? 
It was cute.
Anyways, I do hope your birthday gently breezes into your life all the choicest of things and all that your heart holds dear have a FUN-FILLED DAY. 

LOVE you, my mei mei!

9.Oct for him, DEAREST DADDY

Each year your Birthday reminds me, that I really want to say.
I am very glad I am yours daughter, I think of you when I get trouble.
Happy Birthday, Daddy!
I hope you enjoy your birthday, 

All the pleasures it has in store, I hope you have many more!
A word that never change for me to you,

Dear beloved father, I you.

by your lovely daughter,






冷漠 有时候并不是无情 只是一种避免被伤害的工具

你的冷漠,我理解。 因为我也不想你被我的自私所伤害。

失望,有時候也是一種幸福,因為有所期待,所以才會失望, 因為有愛, 才會有期待,所以縱使失望, 也是一種幸福,雖然這種幸福有點痛。






付出真心 才会得到真心 却也可能伤得彻底保持距离 就能保护自己 却也注定永远寂寞






Romantic sentiments.

I was busy keeping, throw my stuff and I read a magazine and I'd like to jot in down here.

Do you believe what Love mean for? 
Do you know how sentiment it is?

"You kisses are sweeter than wine, but without the paper bag. I am irrationally exuberant for you in third quarter of my fiscal life with rising indicators. My love for you runs hotter than a '74 Nova with a V-8 engine and a busted water pump. Darling, you make me as hot as those hand dryers in a turnpike restroom."

What about the meaning of Kiss?
Stolen kisses are always sweetest. 
 A kiss is the shortest distance between two.  
Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can't see anything wrong with each other.

Sometime when I read some love quote, I feel touched with it and would like to jot down as reference and just to share with your guys and for my own.

A girl who hope love.

I'm back to YOU!

is going back to reality, she has arrived safely to her country- Malaysia.
Yet,I should feel glad with it but sound like I'm not really.
I reckon still I need more time and cash to travel & travel.
I fancy the weather of UK, the environment of UK but I likes the entertainment of M'sia.

WAKE UP, please! I'm back to MALAYSIA!
My family pick me up after landed in Malaysia, I've gave a biggie hug hug for my daddy, my mummy!
It's important because it shows the way you care for them and they do as well.
Well, the 1st thing I did was treat myself a plate of NASI LEMAK!
nom nom nom tasty!
Ohh, it's been around 1 month that I doesn't touch my blog due to busy for final & travelling.
There are a lot of things I'd like to share with you all.
List that I should do for the coming days:
  • Yum Cha. (meet my friends them.)
  • Movie. (warm my butt to watch the movie that I had missed out.)
  • Eat, Drink, Play. (the usual entertainment for life.)
  • Sing K. (Testing 1.2.3. it's time to hold the microphone.)
  • Search/hunt job. (Part-time/Freelancer/Permanent? time to earn some income!)
  • Save money. (I should start learn/plan to have a proper personal saving. IMPORTANT!)
  • Planning for present/future. (Always think. think. think. the plan & step.)
  •  BLOGGING! (for sure, Do not missed out this!)

I'll update those memoirs that I've outdated.
Stay tune.
Wait for it if you're interested of [it].