
Slogan. It's in you.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

 Slogan  is an effective tool for marketing in business.
Meanwhile, it might also an effective tool for the principles of life.
You can get it printed on cool stuff and carry it with you. 
Be it on a bag, your vehicle, your t-shirt, whatever it is a slogan can be printed and used as a walking advertisement. The main benefit of this aspect is that you are marketing your business without any effort.
A memorable slogan is like a good song. 
Most of the people don't forget something catchy. 
If your slogan is catchy and memorable, it will stick to people's brains which is hard to wipe out. 
Your slogan helps people recognize your brand.
Besides, some of the businesses and companies pay thousands of dollars to come up with a good slogan.
Yet, it is an hour worth of time is more than enough to come up with a great catchy slogan.
It's easy to create a slogan for yourself.
Creativity and a little patience that's all it requires, no money involved what so ever.
Slogans are the best marketing tool in a marketer's tool box. It's like an automatic tool that once you charge and let go, it does the rest provided that you have promoted your brand and product beforehand.
 Let me list out some company slogans, and I believe you are familiar with 'them'.

  • 3M - "Innovation".
  • Apple - "Think Different".
  • Amazon.com - "... and you're done".
  • BMW - "The Ultimate Driving Machine".
  • Burger King - "Have It Your Way".
  • Canon - "Delighting You Always".
  • Compaq - "Inspiration Technology".
  • Dell - "Purely You".
  • eBay - "The World's Online Marketplace".
  • FedEx - "Relax, It's FedEx".
  • Honeywell - "We are Honeywell".
  • Hewlett-Packard (HP) - "Invent".
  • Hilton Hotels - "Take Me To The Hilton".
  • Honda - "Power of Dreams".
  • Intel - "Intel Inside".
  • IBM (International Business Machines) Computers - "I think, therefore IBM" ; "Think" ; "Empowering People"; "We Make IT Happen"; "On Demand Business".
  • Johnson & Johnson - "The Family Company".
  • L'Oreal - "Because I'm Worth It".
  • Mazda - "Zoom Zoom".
  • Motorola - "Hello. Moto"
  • McDonald's - "I'm Lovin' It". 
  • Nestlé - "Good Food. Good Life".
  • Nike - "Just Do It".
  • Nintendo - "Born to Play".
  • Nokia - "Connecting People".
  • Panasonic - "Ideas for Life".
  • Philips - "Sense and Simplicity".
  • Pepsi - "It's the Cola". 
  • Porsche - "There Is No Substitute".
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers - "Excellence, Teamwork and Leadership".
  • Procter & Gamble - "Touching Lives, Improving Life".
  • Vodafone - "How Are You?"
  • Wal-Mart - "Always Low Prices"; "Save Money. Live Better".
More to know about commercial slogan? C.link it, please. 

If you wish to create a slogan for business purpose, make it easy & simple to remember, something people want to brand in their memory and possibly convey to others. 
As those above slogans example, when you first heard them what was it that made them stick with you? Moreover, make it warm and fuzzy, it indicates that does your slogan able to leave people feeling warm and fuzzy? Most importantly, is the slogan able to bring a smile to their face or perhaps even a little chuckle?
I believe some of the commercial advertisement brought little chuckle for us, this is how they made in their creativity and the slogan able to keep in mind.
A slogan is more likely to stick in the minds of others if it imparts a positive feeling or emotion.
Lastly, a memorable slogan - an effective tool to motivate your life.
Florence's Cottage - "I Believe in Miracles".

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