
it's ME.

It's all ABOUT ME.
Do you feel curiosity of me?

I like to be ALONE for some moment.

With some different EFFECT show the different of me.
That was my new tattoo!

You're my cup of TEA, aren't YOU?

You're the ONE in my SOUL, Dolphin.

 A girl who like her own style, sometime.

After submit the Assignment.

Well, I'm officially done all the assignment but then still left one of the FINAL. PRESENTATION which held on 1st of September and the FINAL PAPER is nearly soon on 6th of September.

(Tension due to the last paper is freaking difficult...)
Last Friday our lecturer, Mr. Prof. Terrence had invited all of us- ALMers and AUTOMATION engineering course to have Lunch Buffet which near the Chapel walk there, JUMBO CHINESE BUFFET. (5 pounds per pax)
I've been long time do not eat Chinese food, and I'd like to comment that those taste of Chinese buffet was too heavy flavors, oily and I don't think is worth for me to ate there.
Still we're enjoyed the lunch time since sincerity invitation by Prof. Terrence and we do appreciated as well.
At the same time, some of us (AEC, ALM + Automation) went to STATIC CLUB in the midnight, entrance fee is 5 pounds for ladies and 7 pounds for guys after 12am.
Well, those alcohol selling is pretty expensive.
Therefore, I bought myself one bottle of Stella Artois and one shot of vodka
(7 pounds) before I get into dance section with others.

I used to solo dance if that was my favourite hit song.
As usual,I do not put much expectation for the music as those UK club was slightly different compare to M'sia club, but still I keep solo dance like non-stop robotic because it's been long time I didn't shake/exercise my body?
** You must feel curious & have laugh on me, right? easy...


They was trying to mess up my room.

Here we're.

Music Ipod from Kegan.

Booze with us.

Subsequently, on the last night, we plan to have liquor party again and the venue held on my room with my lovely classmate for those who're invited.
Kegan brought his iPod and his lovely new iPod dock speaker and play some hitz song for us.
Ah fai was pretty EXCITED due to he had watched a football match at Manchester and MU score 3-0 vs. West man.

 Awesome night with awesome laughter from us, some of us was really tipsy and some of us still that sober.
We don't know what we are trying to do, and about me?

I was really tipsy for that moment, you can said that I'm easily get drunk but I guess all of us had enjoyed last night.

Anger emo of me T.T

As the previous post, I did mentioned that I'll accompany Elison to make a tattoo & I did the 2nd one for myself but...
WT...! YOU, asshole!

Damn EMO, freaking GRIEVE right now...
I get stuck from the stupid THOU ART tattoo, should I blame them?
But I'm freaking pissed the way they cheated on us?
Don't tell me it was the communication barrier, they're 4 of witness who were listen to it that YOU mentioned.
And YOU, turn as a liar & told us another high price! 
Ugh... I gonna shed tear as I lost my cash with unreasonable which is over my budget limit?!
DAMN, I'm freaking poor right now!
Yesterday told us the low price for the small tattoo and today they cheated us after we did on it.
Should I argue with them?
No point for me to do that, because it is non-returnable 'goods' and still I've to beg someone to help and paid for this IDIOT liar.
WT...freaking emo till I need to withdrawn my money from account which is getting lack of cash!
I just freaking angry the way they've cheated us, and I've to bear for it.

What kind of this business?
Never tell us properly and cheat us money.

T.T DAMN, it was hurt!
It's USELESS, because I need to faced the truth that I had paid for the stupid idiot lesson.

I lost the cash which I might feel that it's not worth for me to do that due to I need the money to use on other expenses.

And now?
NO mood to eat, drink, shop!

Although I've did it.

What to do? 
Because I'm not a rich girl and cannot feel any regret once I've had decided.
Lastly, took it as Lesson. Learn from mistake.

Helpless. ( "_ )

I guess majority of us kinda emo- ING because all of us had received the simulation assignment but poor of us included me doesn't satisfied how we score for, and I got 55/100 which out of my expected?
Yet, pretty upset to received the truth because I did applied the wrong case studies?
Alas, I can't believe I did the wrong way & I shouldn't lazy and made the mistake caused me get bad score in the coursework.What to do?
Back to EMO mode, but still then I need to work hard for my LAST assignment now!!!

By the way, Elison is decided to make a tattoo on tomorrow after she saw mine.
LOL, and my turn to accompany her.
Gosh, sound like I'm addicted to make the second one?
Beg me don't do that again.
Ugh...it'll will harm my pocket money!

Stay Tuned.


Guys, I'd like to recommend some music video here,
PLAY & LISTEN to it.
Hope you'll enjoy with it regarding my taste.


Gosh, just a split of second...
Week 12 nearly soon, and 2 more assignments on hand now.
Recently, I was busy- ING with my group assignment.
Team with her- Elison, and him- Ujin for different modules.
One for the Warehouse operations and another one is Stat-line Shipping, which I need to search about the transshipment problems, blah blah blah...

I don't really get what it means actually due to it is quite complicated with the excel sheet plus mathematics?
Gosh... the most evil for me, I hate math because it is nasty.

However, I still have to overcome it!!!

Oh yea...
I found a ❤ quoted here,

" A teardrop is insignificant in a pool of water, but it can touch the soul as it runs down someone’s face. "
It's pretty touched.

Taeyang ~ I Need a Girl (Dance Version) [MV] [ENG SUB]

I abused to replay button.
I love the way how Taeyang and Dara dance for.

Home PAR.


How about YOU?
Like Nelly ft. Fergie sang that 'Party People',

Just walked through the door, what's it gonna be,
I can't get to the floor, boys/ girls all over me...
Where my party, pa-party.
Party, pa-partry people at?

Everyone PARTY!!

Well, was having celebration of liquor party, poker card, TRUE/DARE,
blah blah blah funny action...
with them.
Guys, it's pretty fun & awesome but too bad our liquor is insufficient.
Therefore most of us still that sober last night.
Yet, they promise next Party time everyone shall get their
own liquor at least 2o%-4o% alcohol vol.
Are they mad of ...?

And seriously they just wish to get drunk! ha-ha LMAO.
Meanwhile, do you know what is the consequence of party?
Imagine that every party have the different consequences.
Meanwhile, we do enjoyed that.
Fun and precious moment.

* Am I get drunk easily? *

Frankly, I'm lil' tipsy and I do miss that moment.
Hangover but still in control.

Ronan Keating - She Believes (In Me)

While she lays sleeping
I stay out late at night to play my songs
And sometimes all the nights can be so long
And it`s good when I finally make it home, all alone

While she lays dreaming,
I touch her face across the silver light
I see her dreams that drift up-to the sky
And she wakes up to my kiss and I say it`s alright
And I hold her tight.

And she believes in me
I`ll never know just what she sees in me,
I told her someday if she was my girl
I could change the world with my songs, but

I was wrong
But she has faith in me
And so I go on trying faithfully
Forever in my heart she will remain
And I hope and pray
I will find a way,find a way
While she lays waiting

I ask myself do I hurt her so
What called me on a long and this lonely road,
Why don't I turn around and head back home where I belong
While she lays crying
For she knows my heart is ripped in two
I`m torn between the things that I should do
She deserves it all and I'd give it if i could, god her love is true


While she lays sleeping
While she lays sleeping for me.

[ fair-sounding from RONAN KEATING's album. ]

'She believes in me', would the someone I affirm me that sentence?

Am I?

I do angry him, am I?

Should I ask him or should I just ignore that?
At the same time, my heart achy ...
She said, 'Girl, it's better to be friend with him as normal since he is trying to fool your feel.'

I was thinking 'hah'?
I do blame myself I'm tenderhearted.
She said, 'o Girl, you're too weak.'
 I was stunned and answer that 'um, because still I expect something real?'

Do I?

Do you?
Why? Tell me the truth, please.
Don't be the heart-breaker towards me.
Indeed, I am confused of it.

1st Tattoo- Lil' Q Dolphin

Don't panic of my expression, I know I'm over react. *Rolling-eyes.* 

He brought his camera and turn to shoot my expression as memory records.
by U-jin (my good-friend) LOL 

oh my Gosh, am I look nervous?! ha-ha. silly of me I know.

Let's view how the progress of my first tattoo.

Stage 1
I choose to tattoo on my Left leg ankle side.
They remove off part my hair & stick on this design which I've had decided-
lil' Q- Dolphin.

Stage 2,
Adrian: 'Are you ready?'
Florence: 'Yes, I'm.'

Stage 3, 
And so on.
Indeed, I was like 'Ouch x2, it's kinda painful... please done it speedy, please!'

Ladies- Annie + Me + Elison, whom gonna tattoo at there.
By the way, U-jin & Kegan are the tattoo 'fans' as well.

The place which I made my 1st tattoo, Thou Art Tattoo
Chapel walk, Sheffield, United Kingdom.

He is my 1st tattoo artist- Adrian, & he told me that it was his 1st time to design the
Dolphin tattoo.
ha-ha. Overall, I'm quite satisfied with it.
(*Guys, patient...I'll post the photo once my tattoo be healed.)
Finally, I'd like to have a photo shoot with him before I leave.
Merci, Adrian.

I got my lil' Q Dolphin.

Hooray, It's on mine soul forever. 

王力宏「你不知道的事」《戀愛通告》主題曲完整版MV ENG SUBS

Lee Hom's NEW LOVE song, pretty sweet and touched.
All the things you never knew.

When the production of Lee Hom has been released, I thought about HIM for sometime.
I still remember the time he fancy on his idol.
He told me before that he admired Lee Hom and took him as an Idol.
He did queue long Q to get his signature.
He will blame someone if the person who accidentally lost his precious collection.
He told me that he went to watched Lee Hom's concert before.
He would like to collect his original poster & CD's album.
He likes listen & sing Lee Hom's song and he told me that he loves his lyrics which could brought some meaningful for his life.

Somehow,It recall me that once time I did helped him to brought one of the Lee Hom's CD & try to get the freebies for him no matter what might caused challenges there.
I just wish he could get his thing that he loved and I just wish to make him happy with it.
Their happy face could comfort my softener-heart.
However, it was past and I wish HIM could happy as they wish too.


In sudden, my mind kept appear in WHY? WHY? WHY?
Why does this happen towards me?
Is this pro or con for me?
I really disordered for this moment until I went and grab a stick of cigarette from my best friend and did a smoke just now. (it's bad for me I knew, but I really mad of my action)
You know I hate smoker, hate cigar, but I do hate myself ever more emotionally.
I wouldn't blame anyone else, this is because I'm moody right now.
I hate everything which make me bad.?
' Softhearted babe ' , perhaps I was but should I ?
I lost my way, I hate this kind of feeling.
It doesn't make me feel good all the time right now.

My brain keep working to think those of 'chickenshit'.

Well, I could conclude that,
NOTHING is perfect.

This is theory of life we faced all the time, we learn &we bear.
The lesson we should walk through all the time now.
Frankly, who willing to show FULL solicitude for ME.





我爱他, 又如何?

因为爱情, 它让你懂得珍惜你所拥有的,学会面对与克服问题的存在,学会如何爱与被爱,让你学会坚强当你被伤害。




我们都寂寞, 不是吗?

Beer plus foods.

Well, this is the random post that post some foods & drinks how I'll get myself to survive.

CARLING is here. 1 by 1 for us.
(*Don't misunderstand, I do not consume all. I reserve one for myself only.) 

Seaweed soup, DIY.
(*Thanks that mom bought me this for the organic healthy food and I cooked by myself.)
Instant pasta- cheese broccoli pasta.
(*I know instant food not that healthy but I have to cooked those as I'm busy for assignment & rushing for class sometime.)

Dessert time- my LOVE.
(*It was my first time tried for this favorite ice-cream as my friend told me BEN & JERRY sell at Malaysia with expensive price, therefore I do not forget to bought one or two to reward myself at UK here.)

Shopping spree- Cheshire oak Designer outlet, LIVERPOOL.

As previous post mentioned, I went to LIVERPOOL Cheshire Oak Designer Outlet for shopping spree.
Here's the consequence.

I bought a new iPod cover from e-bay.com
here it is.  Lil' f pod transformation. =)

Consequence of SHOPAHOLIC. 

You should ban me to shop, please!
I'm BAD shopaholic girl but better than others as I was trying to limit my budget! :)

Cheshire oak designer outlet, It's time for shopping Spree!

Once in a blue moon. 
So I'll remind myself do not spent again, otherwise I've to lock myself.

WHY am I study?

It's coming to week 10 (left for 3 weeks more and our FINAL is arrive soon).
As usual, I went to class every week, and today we had submit the group presentation slides show to Ms. Diane (our BEM lecturer).

BEM stated for Business in Emerging Market, such a difficult module. No joke!-.- ||| 
A lot of figure / political / blah blah blah to memorize & learn for.

Yet, what should I talk for this topic today?
I had realize group assignment have the pro & con.

How should I elaborate it?
As you all know, mostly of the people are self-centered, if you're allocated group with smart person, then your work is stressful but then you might perform well and get a good score as well.

Conversely, if you're allocated with lazy person, then you might be DOUBLE stressful because you might think over of unnecessary things, you might argue with your team-mate and so on.

This proves that if you can't get along with each other in your group assignment, then you'll get trouble ultimately. -.- ||

Who likes trouble? 
NO one, right?!
But, if fate choose on you and you unavoidable, what should you do?
I'm not that kind of smart person, so I couldn't have the ability to argue with them and I'd like to follow & listen to them most the time and of course do not forget to add on my own perspective.

Why am I study?
No one would like to judge he/she is stupid, right?
No one was born for stupid, right?
I'm not stupid as well, It's because parent nurture me all the time now, they sent me to 
Kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, college & UNIVERSITY.

I'm sent by parent for study SMART not to study Nothing and learn lazy & stupid!
so this is not the excuse to said I'm stupid.

Perhaps my learning absorbency is Low but still I've to strive & learn till I die.
From here, I realized that I've growing up step by step, lovely parent nurture me based on their ability, they sent me for school because they hope I can learn well, learn more, learn everything that they couldn't taught for.

Hence, parent would like to share their philosophy of life with me.
It does recall me that my dearest father likes to have his lecture moment with me, at mamak or at cafe, at room, at home, anywhere with good environment to talk for.My parent doesn't same like others family, they aren't solemn to their children, they will not force me to get 100% score in my paper when I'm kid/student but they would like to hope that I can score 60-100% with much of my ability, as long as I did prove myself for them.

Occasionally, I request average score, I wouldn't really request too high, it's hard to make it true due to my limited ability??!!
Still I hope that I could try as much effort as I can.
Meanwhile, parent hope I wouldn't give up all the time that I able to prove for.
Well, parent would like to feel proud if their children did well in their study, their way, their good performance all the time. 

And me? I'm 22nd years old and heading to 23rd years old soon.
I'm big girl, a student of UNIVERSITY standard,a growing stage to get into mature way.
No more dependent on parent and be independent to make decision by myself.
'Florence, it's time to judge everything by yourself.'

I told myself every time but can I?
Time will prove what I can do right now!

I'm lack of financial, I need $$$ to stay at UK here.
I'm lazy to borrow, I hate to borrow which I recall still I've owe PTPTN loan

** I'm exhausted right now, it's time to rolling bed. **
Good night UK, Good morning M'sia. 










她的任性 她的壞脾氣















An article I grab from my face-book notes.

My 1st Decision on Age 22 - Lil' Dolphin Tattoo

A Tatty is a marking made by inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment for decorative or other reasons.
Tattoos on humans are a type of decorative body modification, body piercing. 
I did some survey before at Chapel walk, Sheffield, UK. - Thou Art tattoo.
The pricing depends on what type of designs you're require and how long they make for it. So about my design is roughly about £50. (**based on my budget as well.**)
Initially, I feel afraid &nervous but I'd like to try for it since I've decided, today I had accompany my classmate, he did it first, he told me that not really painful but feel like peppery oh his hand.Meanwhile, I had paid my deposit (£20) and I decided to pierce the 1st tattoo on my ankle, and the appointment held on next week.
Ugh. Tension, should clap for the braveness of me or not?

Guys, I'll choose lil' Dolphin tattoo as my design since you all know
I'm fancy/addicted to Dolphin.

"What sweet mystery about this sea, whose gentle stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath." by Melville

Below is the source from website,
But what makes a dolphin tattoo so popular?
Aside from it being cute,
The meaning that a dolphin tattoo portrays is deeper than what meets the eye.

have long been believed to be the link between humans and the underwater world. Dolphins are mammals just like us.They are warm-blooded, intelligent, they communicate through their own language, they need air to survive, they give birth to live young and arrange themselves into families or pods.

No wonder us humans identify with these animals!
But the appeal of the dolphin does not end there.
Dolphins are free-spirited, playful, and are often seen frolicking in the water and this is what some of us want to capture in a dolphin tattoo.

They represent freedom, happiness, and love for life.

The symbol of the dolphin is also believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the person wearing it.
It is also the symbol of re-birth and hope for a better life ahead.
In Celtic beliefs, dolphins, which is associated with water, has the power to cleanse and rejuvenate a person and start life anew.

In Chinese philosophy, two dolphins represent harmony.
In Native American culture, these gentle creatures symbolize kindness, play energy , and wisdom.
They are regarded as the messengers of knowledge from deep within us.
When dolphins show up in the form of dreams, it is often positively regarded.

Dolphins in dreams represent change, hope, and happiness.

There are different representations for the dolphin symbol for different people, different cultures and different beliefs.
And through a dolphin tattoo, these positive representations of this gentle creature are carried by the wearer.
But for some, it is solely the beauty of the dolphin that determines whether they would show up on the surface of their skin or not. And sometimes, even that is enough.

It sounds cool, right? how about YOU?
Lil' Q Dolphin- my ONLY Trademark.

P.S.- This is the example of picture, I'll upload my new tattoo photo after my appointment.

God bless me, it's awesome for me.

@.@ Headache.

Once again, while I was facing with the thousand of words, I was like wt...I'm sorry but I'm really stressed out right now, till then still I've to continue my research till the end, as I promise that I'll done my part and combine with my group member as well.

I promise that, I'll try my best since  everyone said that 'It's Level 6' now, you should do everything by yourself, do not rely on others anymore, please.
It's useless when you need help but you doesn't put more and more and more and more EFFORT.

'Florence, life is tough so face it with your toughness'.

'I knew that, perhaps still I don't have much of confidence towards myself.'

Anyways, today I treat myself with a shopping spree at Cheshire Oak Designer Outlet.
Sounds Syok for me but I confirmed that I'll get scold by parent.
Don't OVER and OVER spend again!
Damn it, the currency seems like going to raise some more. =.=
Please... I need to exchange Wei!
I'm planning to reward myself for the Euro-trip with my own pocket money.
I know I feel heavy heart, but since I at UK here, I should get myself a chance for the travel that I wish for, right?
I tell myself, how heavy heart of the money, but I'll try to earn back in my future!
Work hard now.
