

Friday, January 01, 2016

2016. New Year's Resolution

On the New Year's eve, it was a time to look back the past, filter it and move forward to the new coming year!
It always a time to reflect on the changes we want to make and resolve to follow through on those changes.

What is your New Year Resolution for this year 2016?

I'm truly apologised that I didn't get chance to write down any resolution I had on year 2014 & 2015. However, I am satisfied with it and put a smiles of achievement that I had a good one for past.
And now, there are few of resolutions that I need to be carry forward for this year.

For sure, you should remember.

Don't bring your 2015 issues into 2016. 
Have a new mind set to do new things for the New Year 2016!

[ 2016 Resolution Plan ]

1) Join Gym / Lose Weight
Last year, I had implement myself with the fitness plan as the regular exercise with more health benefits than anything else. I have signed up the monthly fitness plan which  do my workout more in indoor based activities at Celebrity Fitness regardless of training treadmill, swimming, attend sport classes, and so on. Just to ensure I could continue the exercise to keeps myself healthy and feel better more.

2) Spend more time with Family & Friends
I would appreciate loved ones and spend more time with family & friends this year when there is possible time. :) 

3) Find NEW Job
 Yes, seriously. I am still looking for a new job which really suit me to enhance my career path. To learn and to execute my experience for the industry. 
I hope there is a good new for me soon, which I really pray for it.

4) Enjoy. Live. Love Life.
Started feel that I am getting older, which to said that I am no longer younger age and most of the time will easily feeling hectic, stressful lifestyles. Hence, I need to step out more to become more happier and healthier of myself! Relax, be positive, learn to enjoy the life, bring the balance to your body, mind and soul by trying something new!
Give myself a trip once per year, perhaps? No matter in Local or Overseas. ;)
After all, I still love travel and explore around the world!

5) Saving Plan / Get out of Debt
I always learn to set a good saving plan to repay my debt, well I am appreciated that what I have achieved last month ago with my new 'partner' who will drive me in out anywhere. Hence, I need to set a better saving plan to make sure all instalment is done as early as I can.

6) Learn Something New
It was a time to learn something new for this year, which I am planning to study and read my books which I have been purchased last year ago. Telling myself that to finish the reading within one or two months per book. *sweat*
This is a way to gain my knowledge.

7) Manage to control pressure & attitude
With each passing day, I learn to be more mature with mindset to face the challenges & difficulties which we called as LIFE. 
Be plough on somehow in spite of all the difficulties.

8) ______% of the secret plan is loading. Looking for the True Love.
It was a secret plan last few years ago which I'm looking forward, and now I am sincerely look for a True LOVE life if it was a right time.

Love gives me the strong motivation, faith to move on!
Despite what it has happened previously, I know I am still the emotional girl but I've learnt and be thankful for what I have experience and went through.
Be appreciated, in life.
I appreciate. being appreciated.

Hey, Mr Right. Are you the one?
'Call me maybe?' :)

9) All of the above wishes come true! 
Pray for it!

Blessed for this prosperous new year! 

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.
Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right.


Warm Regards,

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2 ♥ comments

  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Don't have your no, so can't call...btw, i'm Mr Left, not Right...
