Saturday, December 01, 2012


Ho Ho Ho...

I just purely like Snowmen when Christmas falling.

All I want for Christmas is {YOU}!

So near yet so fast, It's December month.
Another winter falling soon.
Yes, It's Christmas time.
Aren't you waiting for Christmas? 
 A very meaningful Magic cum Christmas night.
How are you going to celebrate for this Christmas night?
I like Christmas very much because it is snowy & it could warm my heart very much.
And why I love about winter?
I can building snowmen.
I can decorating the house.
I have the winter cooling nights.
I can feel the Christmas atmosphere.
I can have the outdoor decorations.
I can untangling Christmas lights.
I can get myself a cup of my favor hot chocolate.
I can watching the snow come down. 
*but i know it won't happen in Malaysia*

and I hope that I can sing like it...
Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow.

Merry X'mas

One day, I hope I could celebrate my Christmas at Paris.
{it} is one of my wishlist.

Dear all,
Merry Christmas! :)

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1 ♥ comments

  1. nice layout~
    Merry Christmas ~

    may all your wishes come true, although it may need some times...
