Romantic sentiments.

Monday, October 04, 2010

I was busy keeping, throw my stuff and I read a magazine and I'd like to jot in down here.

Do you believe what Love mean for? 
Do you know how sentiment it is?

"You kisses are sweeter than wine, but without the paper bag. I am irrationally exuberant for you in third quarter of my fiscal life with rising indicators. My love for you runs hotter than a '74 Nova with a V-8 engine and a busted water pump. Darling, you make me as hot as those hand dryers in a turnpike restroom."

What about the meaning of Kiss?
Stolen kisses are always sweetest. 
 A kiss is the shortest distance between two.  
Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can't see anything wrong with each other.

Sometime when I read some love quote, I feel touched with it and would like to jot down as reference and just to share with your guys and for my own.

A girl who hope love.

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