Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Today was a Public holiday for me, yet I don't have any plan of it.
Face book ING- and of course time to upload some new photos for my blog.
Upload my Euro trip DAY 8 Florence Tour in my Face-Boo album.
Take a look there/ feel free please drop a comment as well.

There was another good choice which is to lock myself at home without spending any cents of it.
Seriously, if I'm the person who're non-stop spending and I couldn't have any savings of course.
As mention, how am I gonna repay all the debt that I've owe right now?

It's time to pay everything of the expenses, loan, blah blah blah.
Gosh, I could mess my world by NO PLAN right now.

Feeling lost in sudden. :(
Life is tough and I've created a kindergarten poem...

Driving like a tortoise
Working like an ants
Eating like a tiger
Playing like a monkey
Sleeping like a pig

That's LIFE which I wonder?

I need to move forward.

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