LIVERPOOL, United Kingdom.

Monday, July 26, 2010

I had joined a LIVERPOOL trip with my friends them, not to talk much here.
Let's view the pictures as below.
Ha-ha, policeman as our body guard for trip?
Of course.. no!

They was so friendly and we like their uniform therefore request for a photo as record.

Finally, our Group photo.

all you need is


Albert Dock


Having my brunch.
Bacon sandwich + hot chocolate, cost £ 1.50



The power of SUNLIGHT.

I like the scenery, environment of FORM-BY Beach.

we recall back our act cute moment.

As you know, Mirror is friend with woman.

Look at my shadow.

Pose as I can.

Flower decor.

Profit age

Crepe Au praise

Classic creme brulee

Grilled Pork and leek sausage

Homemade seafood chowder

A cup of Cappuccino

Bistro Pierre


Today was cloudy day, all of us was heading to Liverpool and it's totally fun been there.
We took train to there,which cost me £ 15.
In the afternoon, one of our friend- Kelly, a pretty, friendly passionate girl.

She had brought us to Birsto Pierre- Authentic French restaurants are few and far between these days but Bistro Pierre delivers in true Gallic style.
You’ll find this vibrant, inner-city eaterie in the heart of Liverpool’s Cavern Quarter near the world famous Matthew Street, in an old warehouse building which with its wooden floors and exposed brickwork has readily transformed itself into a rustic French bistro.

Service is relaxed, warm and friendly.
(For more info, click this

The 3 main course cost all of us only in £7.95.

1st- choose an ENTREES
2nd- choose Plats de Resistance
3rd- choose a desserts.

After Brunch, all of us went to TRAVELODGE to make some check in.
Then, we took train to South-port, nothing much special there,
it's just a port and a bridge.

I had order fish & chips as dinner and it's not worth to eat.
Cost me £5.30 like that.
The 3rd place we went was the FORM-BY station, it's far from station and we have to walk through the forest only get into the beach.
Anyways, I like the consequences, the beach is pretty fantastic, warm for me since I had been long time do not go any island.

DAY 2We stayed one night at Travelodge but all of us couldn't have an enough sleep due to some others room kept made disturbance towards us.
Even so, we woke up in the early morning and U-jin, Elison and me had our brunch at YATES cafe, and others of them went to LOBSTER restaurant.

The 1st place in day 2, all of us brought ticket of Day rider to travel around Liverpool.
We went to LIVERPOOL F.C. stores, an field which U-jin ♥ the most.Unfortunately, we can't accompany U-jin to an field as the ticket is expensive for us. (£8)
Well, I'm more interested to buy clothes for myself more than an field.Therefore, we walk to others place to make some explore, we went to EVER TON F.C., it's Blue jersey for them.

The 2nd place- Albert Dock, we found out THE BEATLES STORY, I like their decoration, you can heard the Beatles music when you step into the shop.Around 7pm plus night, we're ready to take the train back to SHEFFIELD.
Overall, I'm pretty exhausted after trip.
It's time back to my assignment again.

Somehow, I ♥ Liverpool.

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