Congratulations! D' Star of D' Day.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Yeah! Congratulations!
For him, my dearest Dad. Dear champion.
The Star of the day.

I found out the new from the newspaper (星洲日报- 大都会) 25 August 2011.
here it is.
This is why I like his name, 'special & unique.'

Sorry for the blur effect picture because I'm failed to find the link.

Guess what?!
He got another champion of Kara-OK competition.
As I know, he has been stop singing last few months ago and I just can't believe that he got champion again.
(Don't underestimate the power of Dad.)
It recalls me back that he got his few of Kara-OK champion cups and still placed at our home.
And guess what my mum said about?
'Dearest, you better don't participate too much of the competition, I couldn't handle the place for your cupsss.'
Haha. *sound sarcastically & hilarious*

Year by year,
Dad impressed me of his talented, this is why I took his as my admired of his strength.
He told me that,he likes to do what he want.
He wanted achieve something that he has plan for it.
From the consolation reward fight to Champion, this is one of adhere to struggle what he wanted.
(And I wish that he could participate for the
Astro经典名曲歌唱大赛》 for the next few year when he is ready, of course I'll support all the time.)

The adhere spirit, the experience that he always taught us.
Do it as you want, achieve the dream that you wanted.
Not allow yourself to feel any regretful.
Fight for it, Learn for it, Gain from (it).


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