How Generation GAP mean for you?

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

What is a generation GAP that mean for you?
Somehow, I never know or care what it means for me till the recent which seek for my attention.

A term that might look strange for me,yet I've to understand, observe it.
It was the term that referring to differences in attitudes between people of
different generations.
The key word here is 'ATTITUDES'.
It is a way of thinking or feeling about someone or something.
Thus, this gives us a clearer picture of what a generation gap means and when it occurs.

Reason being, generation gap occurs when older & younger people don't understand each other because of their difference in opinion, experience and nature.
This difference is definitely existing in our society today.
Nowadays most of the youth are deeply influenced by the growing reach of western standards and culture. i.e. Music, Fashion, Behavior, Trends, Clothing and EVERYTHING.

We're free to comment for anything with different point of views.
Different generation different points or arguments,both were in quotes mind you.

As conclude, let the TIME to proves from Generation GAP to NO gap.
(",) As the picture showed below, the purpose that I've create my blog last year to let my family know about my life, the way how I go through days by days, anywhere.

Like this.

p/s- ** Apparently, face to face conversation would be more ideal, it's REAL and SINCERE.**
(I used to communicate with my family in that way to feel the intimacy between each other.)

Ooh Yeaa!
Last for fun.

S' pecial Dedication.

The inconsistent between feeling and thinking.
Feeling is what you get for Thinking the way you do.


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