I'm sorry I felt powerless.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

" I don't know anything but . "
If this was the answer for an unknown question.

Then I'd create a question for this answer.
" What do you think about ? "

Sound sarcastically, but I'd like to voice with this sentence.

Some people used to provide different perspectives about due to they're expert.
Some people do not comment with it, and said that going '随缘'.
Some people don't care what the heck it was.
And still got other some people?


I do not know.

Someone was expose everything from his heart to a girl.
He told her how much he like about her, he cares about her.
She understood but still then she feel uncomfortable.
She do not give any respond because she knew that she have her own answer.
She don't wanna hurt the man therefore she choose silence.
Yet, she was trying to drop a hint to him.
She hopes he got the hint right now.

She do feel sorry for everything, she felt powerless.
For the boy who adore her,
Please treat her as friend, as a friend that willing to friend with her, friend with her when she needed.
Do not said that you won't give up go after her, because in the end she still said 'NO'.
She knew that she was the heart-tendered girl.

At the same time, She don't wanna waste time, waste your time as her as well.

You could blame her cruelness, but she do feel compressive stress as well.
She been rejected few guys before and in the end, those of them do not friend with her, she understood their action and she do not blame.

If you still cannot accept, that's was she can answer for,

'I'm sorry that I always treat you as a friend.'
'Sorry that I just wanna treat you as friend, not any purpose.'
'Sorry that I hurt you, alright that you don't wish to be friend with me'
'Sorry that I like him, but not you.'
' I'm sorry I felt powerless. '


She cannot fall in with who're surrounding her now.
She want the only him, isn't he is the one that she was waiting for?
She wondering, feel uncertainty, feel insecure, expecting for.
Yet, she still expecting that she will meet the one who
each other--
him and he her as well.

At the same time, she don't have any gut to
anyone right now.

She wanna be alone, she was emo - holic therefore she don't wanna anyone.
Please leave her if you don't wish to treat her as friend.
She knew guy who go after her was not a good idea and might cause bad outcome.
She not really get ready for any
, she perceives she like to being emo, shed her tears sometime.
Yet, she was trying to find someone who understand her.

She was trying to let the time heal everything for her.
She knew some people will scold about her attitude and behavior.
That's was her, a girl who want to perceive the Truth of .

You might criticize that she was a bad, silly girl, she couldn't others right now.
At the same time, now only she realize.

- hard to be equal.
You him, but he 'her.'

In the end,
we like, we
, we hurt, we sad, we broken-hear-ted, we cried, we emo, we gain.
These was what we have learn t in life!

'I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you!'

Sorry LOVE,

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3 ♥ comments

    i think it suite my situation too...
    thx for giving me the alternative answer....
    remember, some frens will alwaz support u...n ur decision(depends)

    PS* will u mind if i share this?

  2. :) thanks that you're willing to share some lil' message here *wink*
    sure you're approved to share my post if u feel it is suit for you.
